The Ministry of Education and Sciences (MEC) awarded G. 131,477 million (US$ 19 million) to a total of 10 companies for the acquisition of supplies for school kits. The ID of the call was 406.476 and for said tender, offers began to be received from Wednesday, June 29, 2022. The procedure implemented to carry out the call for tender was National Public Bidding (LPN).
The striking aspect is that for last year, the educational portfolio only allocated G. 126,152 million (US$ 18.3 million). That is, US$ 700 thousand less for a similar call. On that occasion, the caller ID was 390.638.
The call was submitted by 18 companies, of which 10 of them were ultimately suppliers of said tender. They are; Alamo SA represented by Daniel Maldonado Troxter and Ricardo Maldonado for a value of G. 42,334 million with a participation of 32.2% of the total awarded. Industrias Gráficas Nobel SA represented by Maria Eugenia Paleari de Harrison, Robert Harrison Paleari and Christian Aldo Harrison Paleari for a value of G. 31,063 million with a participation of 23.63% of the total awarded. Mercurio SA represented by Graciela Papalardo, Miguel Angel Zaldivar, Carlos Sosa Acosta, Santiago Llano and Natalia Zucolillo for a value of G. 14,928 million with a participation of 11.35% of the total awarded.
Agr SA Graphic Services represented by Cristina Elizabeth Morel de Riquelme and Nathalia Riquelme for a value of G. 11,956 million with a participation of 9.09% of the total awarded. El Faro Industrial Y Comercial SRL represented by Pedro Pablo Centurión Rivero for a value of G. 8,191 million with a participation of 6.23% of the total awarded. Kuatiapo SA represented by Maria Lucila Sanabria and Pablo Sanabria Rivarola for a value of G. 6,975 million with a participation of 5.31% of the total awarded. Atlas Representaciones SA represented by Pedro Moreira Leguizamón and Maria Oliva Moreira for a value of G. 6,971 million with a participation of 5.3% of the total awarded. Editorial In Alianza SA represented by Carmen Maria Da Costa, Miguel Claudio Fuentes Otrazo and Alberto Luis Basso Turini for a value of G. 6,883 million with a participation of 5.24% of the total awarded.
San Benito ICSA represented by Mirian Fidelina Mendez and Juan Benito Mendez Escobar for a value of G. 1,769 million with a participation of 1.35% of the total awarded.
In Design SRL represented by Lourdes Cristina Noldin Cabrera and Jorge Daniel Duarte Cuellar for a value of G. 405,539,552 with a participation of 0.31% of the total awarded.