The president of Popular ActionJulio Chávez, assured that the president of Congress, Eduardo Salhuanaevaluates the permanence of Giovanni Forno as senior officer of the Parliamentin the face of investigations into the alleged prostitution network.
The acciopopulist leader indicated that the change of senior officer was one of the demands that his party made to the Board of Directors in December. However, he highlighted that changes have already been made in the administrative staff of Congress.
“President Salhuana seems to me that he has begun to take some corrective measures, he is even evaluating, because he let us know through the spokesperson, the possibility of the continuity of the senior officer and I think that at least it is now being possible to make it more visible.” transparency in these investigations beyond the subjective,” he said on RPP.
Chávez specified that his party does not advocate the departure of Eduardo Salhuana as president of the Legislature and reiterated that they support the current Board of Directors. However, he considered that a multi-party commission should be created to investigate complaints about the alleged prostitution network.
In that sense, he indicated that the commission would be more objective than the Oversight Commission, because he considered that the current president of the group, Juan Burgos, is questioned by other groups.
“We have proposed in that statement and in a formal document, also so that it does not seem like just a political speech, the creation of an investigative commission so that this can be seen beyond what is happening in the Oversight Commission, a more neutral commission , multi-party (…) There have been some discrepancies between the president of the Commission and some benches, so that may take away a bit of objectivity from the investigation,” he explained.
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