To edward ponce former vice minister of External relationshipsthe Congress He did well to declare a persona non grata. Evo Morales.
“It seems very good to me because until now this declaration of persona non grata had only been made by the Foreign Relations Commission. Now the declaration comes from Congress as a whole, which is of decisive importance.”indicated.
LOOK: These are the alternative routes before the blockade of the Central Highway
At another time, he referred to the interference of other countries in internal affairs.
“The Peruvian foreign minister has been precise and clear enough, with the Chilean president, who has not only been criticized in our country. Chileans, both in Mercurio -the most important newspaper- and in La Tercera, have harshly criticized Mr. Boric’s participation in CELAC, in such a way that this is an indication that he has been extremely unfortunate, particularly in what is refers to our countryhe concluded.