The Ministry of Economy expanded the issuance of a National Treasury bond maturing on July 5, 2030 by $9,825 million, through joint resolution 5/2023 of the Finance and Treasury secretariats, published this Monday in the Bulletin Official.
Economy issued in July 2021 the National Treasury Bond Decree 458/2021, for $8,095,535,324; for the cancellation of rate subsidies provided for in the agreements between the Nation and the provinceswhich includes the city of Buenos Aires, for the loans disbursed between 2017 and 2019 related to the National Historical Reparation Program for Retirees and Pensioners.
On this occasion, he decided to increase it by $9,825,217,441.
The bond has a grace period for the payment of principal of three years, and is paid in 12 equal and consecutive semi-annual installments, payable on January 5 and July 5 of each year.
In this regard, the payment of the first installment was originally set for January 5, 2025.
The instrument accrues interest on principal balances, at an annual nominal variable interest rate equivalent to the Badlar Banco Privados rate, for fixed-term deposits of more than $1 million from 30 to 35 days, currently at 69.18% per year.
The placement is carried out in several tranches, on the date of payment of the rate subsidies provided for in the agreements.
The bond is non-transferable and will not be listed on the local and international stock markets.