Although more and more is being talked about environmental problems, unfortunately, advances on nature continue to increase. In this context, the Inter-American Association for the Defense of the Environment (AIDA), a non-profit organization that uses law and science to protect the environment and communities in Latin America, launched the Americas Climate Litigation Platform at the beginning of 2022. Latin and the Caribbean.
This platform provides information on the main climate litigation in Latin America and the Caribbeanincluding closed cases and those that are still active.
It is a collaborative project led by the Inter-American Association for the Defense of the Environment (AIDA) with the support of several Latin American organizations that work for climate justice in the region.
This database was created between 2019 and 2021 and is updated regularly. It currently includes more than 50 cases in 7 countries. Some of them have to do directly with climate change, while others refer to environmental issues such as mining, fracking and pollution, as well as the protection of forests, jungles and wetlands in the region.
In Argentina, we have some groups of lawyers organized for the protection of the environment, some of them are Nature of Rights, the association of environmental lawyers and the network of lawyers for food sovereignty, you can find them on social networks and bring your queries to them.