The Brazilian capitals of Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Florianópolis (SC), Fortaleza (CE) and Porto Velho (RO) were authorized, this Friday (24), to receive the radio signal from the programming of Empresa Brasil de Comunicação (EBC). In total, more than 10.4 million people will be able to benefit from the services of the new radio in the localities.
The Ministry of Communications (MCom) published the ordinances for the implementation of the Modulated Frequency (FM) broadcasting service with exclusively educational purposes. The company will be able to operate on the FM 87.1 MHz frequency in the four capitals.
MCom also authorized EBC to operate on channel 16 for digital television transmission in Rio Branco (AC). The execution of the broadcasting service of sounds and images, in digital technology, will also be exclusively educational.
Permissions are regulated by the Brazilian Telecommunications Code (CBT). Consignments will have legal effects only after deliberation by the National Congress.