Home CaribbeanDominican Republic DR repudiates the attempt to “alter the constitutional order” in Bolivia

DR repudiates the attempt to “alter the constitutional order” in Bolivia

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RD repudia el intento de “alterar el orden constitucional” en Bolivia     

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican Republic this Wednesday repudiated “any act of violence that seeks to alter the constitutional order” in the “sister nation” of Bolivia.

The Dominican Foreign Minister, Roberto Alvarezthrough his account on the social network X, formulated this condemnation of “the latest military events in Bolivia.”

The senior Dominican official said that the president of Bolivia, Luis Arce“he was elected by the Bolivian people and must serve his mandate uninterruptedly.”

According to information, a tank knocked down the doors of the headquarters of the Executive of Bolivia and entered at 3:51 p.m. (7:51 p.m. GMT), after the general commander of the Army of that country, Juan José Zúñiga, threatened to take the headquarters. of the Government and change the cabinet.

Bolivia Crisis.

Read: Military personnel withdraw from the headquarters of the Bolivian Executive after “attempted coup d’état”

Arce has already appointed new commanders of the Bolivian Army in the midst of a military movement that he described as a “coup d’état” by Zúñiga, who until today was the general commander.

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