Home CaribbeanDominican Republic DR issues green bonds

DR issues green bonds

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DR issues green bonds

The Dominican Republic reported yesterday that, for the first time in the country’s history, it issued bonuses green in an operation that amounted to 750 million dollars, at a rate of 6.70%, approximately 15 basis points lower than traditional methods.

He Ministry of Tax authorities stated in a statement that the resources obtained with the placement, in addition to implying savings for public finances due to the difference in the cost of financingwill be used for expenses greeneligible under the first Reference Framework of Green BondsSocial and Sustainable of the country.

The organization maintained that the Dominican Republic is one of the most vulnerable countries to the effects of the change climatewhich is why state investments in projects and programs that contribute to mitigating the phenomenon and the impact it causes on the population and public infrastructure are necessary.

The country’s first green issue received demand in the markets of capitals by foreign investors, six times higher than the amount requested.

“Every time we go out to the markets of capitals internationally we receive notable support that, among other factors, is a product of the good management that we have given to the debt public“said the minister of Tax authoritiesJochy Vicente.

For her part, the vice minister of Public Credit of the ministry, María José Martínez, highlighted that these operations are part of a sustainable emissions program included in the strategy of debt 2024-2028, which is being executed by the government. Additionally, they are aligned with the country’s goals established in the National Development Strategy 2030.

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“The inclusion of bonuses thematic in our plan financingin addition to the environmental and social benefits they promote, are an example of the commitment to transparency in the management of debt public and, in turn, diversify the investor base,” Martínez emphasized.

Likewise, this operation was complemented with a repurchase of 1,009 million dollars of a bond external expiring in 2025.

For this repurchase and to cover part of the needs of financing In the General State Budget for 2024, 105,000 million pesos (about 1,764 million dollars) were issued in a bond external in local currency maturing in 2036 and another $500 million from a reopening maturing in 2031.

  • The bonuses green They are a type of debt issued by organizations, both public and private, to finance socially responsible projects with the environment. They constitute a form of investment in assets increasingly popular.

The first broadcast of bonuses green took place in 2007 by the European Investment Bank (EIB) and marked one of the great milestones in the commitment to build a banking responsible.

Nowadays the investment In them it is the preferred option of many investors.

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