September 26, 2022, 11:10 AM
September 26, 2022, 11:10 AM
Samuel Doria Medina, secretary general of the National Unity (UN), considers that the government of Luis Arce is at a crossroads due to the report of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), which determines that the administration of Evo Morales ordered the executions and torture at the Hotel Las Américas in 2009.
According to the opponent the current management is obliged to initiate proceedings for these events against former authorities that they accompanied the mandate of the head of the MAS; Otherwise, the responsibility will fall on his shoulders.
“If the current president does not prosecute those of the previous government, the damage will be for his governmentthere is no easy way out and it will be a topic that will give a lot to talk about”, said the also businessman in an interview with ‘Influential’ of EL DEBER radio.
The report of the international organization, published by EL DEBER, mentions four recommendations for the country, among which is a trial against those responsible for the extrajudicial execution of three people to avoid a trial of the State in the International Court of Human Rights. Therefore, The Government of Luis Arce would have in its hands a trial against the former president and leader of his partyEvo Morales.
“It is clearly established that, if the Bolivian State does not prosecute those responsible, then it takes responsibility, that would be very serious, it puts them in a difficult dilemma, because if members of the Evo Morales government are not prosecuted, the process falls on the current Government of Arce”, added Doria Medina.
Early in the morning of April 16, 2009, a contingent from the Tactical Crisis Resolution Unit, an elite Police group, entered the Las Américas hotel in Santa Cruz, detonated on the fourth floor and broke into their rooms, firing their weapons. of fire. Due Eduardo Rózsa Flores, Arpad Magyaroisi and Michel Dwyer were killed; Elöd Tóásó and Mario Tadic were arrested.