The price of dollar He closed the session on Monday, January 27 at S/3,7440, registering an increase of 220 basic points compared to the closing of Friday, when it was located at S/3,7220.
ALLISSON PÉREZ, CURNICS OF FOR RENT4 SAB, explained that the day began with the dollar at S/3,7250 and a clear bullish trend, reaching a maximum of S/3,7430. “The demand came mainly from non -residents, while the supply was led by the Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCR), which renewed exchange swaps sale for S/600 million,” Pérez said.
During the day, the market was a total of US $ 447 million, with an average price of S/3,7386.
In the international arena, the markets are attentive to the next meeting of the Federal Reserve of the United States, which on Wednesday will announce its decision about interest rates. There are no changes in current levels. Likewise, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the fourth quarter of 2024 could confirm an annualized growth of 2.7%, driven by a solid consumer expense.
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