Opens a new exchange wheel in the country with most of the quotes of the dollar upward. In the official market, the regulated currencies had a slight advance of 12 cents and marked their fourth consecutive week of increases. Stock markets, meanwhile, had disparate movements: the CCL rose and the MEP fell.
Meanwhile he dollar blue has been maintained since Monday, in the parallel market. All this occurs at a time when the Central Bank (BCRA) closes a new day with a negative balance, after selling 55 million dollars of the reserve in foreign exchange. This week, the entity has sold 61 million dollars, if the six million from Monday are added.
This is how the official market dawns
According to the boards of Banco Nación (BNA), the dollar official opens the last week of February at $106.82 for purchase and $112.82 for sale, an increase of 12 cents from the previous day. Meanwhile, in the rest of the banks, the average value of the currency is around $113.23 per unit.
Along the same lines, the so-called dollar solidarity or tourist, which includes in its value 30% of the COUNTRY Tax and 35% as an advance on account of the Income Tax, Trade this Thursday morning at $186.1512 cents more expensive than the day before.
stock market
In the financial market, american coins known as stocks fell more than 7% last week and were below the blue at the close on Friday. However, one of them recovered again and is now the most expensive in the entire national market.
Specific, the dollar CCL (Counted With Liquid) is listed this Thursday, at $211.86 for sale per unit, after scoring a rise of almost two pesos (+2.85%) in the last round. At the same time, the MEP or Stock Market maintains its downward climb and is now selling at $196.65 per ticketits lowest price since mid-December.
Dolar blue
Meanwhile, the dollar blue operates with stability for the third consecutive round: it is listed this Thursday, at $207.00 for the purchase and $210.00 for the saleits lowest price throughout the month, according to estimates from the Black Market of Foreign Exchange of the city of Buenos Aires.
This fall narrowed the gap between the blue and the official to 95.7%, one of the lowest percentage rates since the end of December 2021. Recall that the parallel currency reached its maximum peak of $223 at the end of January and since then maintained an upward trend.