On January 2, 2025, the price of dollar In Argentina it showed significant differences between the official market and the parallel market (blue). According to recent data, the official dollar was quoted at $1052.50 for purchase and $1060.28 for sale.
On the other hand, the dollar blue, which is traded in the informal market, reached $1,210.00 for purchase and $1,230.00 for sale. This difference between the quotes of the official dollar and the blue, known as the exchange gap, stood at approximately 16.01%.
This gap reflects the restrictions and regulations that the Central Bank imposes on the purchase of dollars, as well as demand and supply in the informal market. The MEP dollar (Electronic Payment Market) and the CCL dollar (Cash With Settlement) also showed relevant quotes.
He dollar MEP was quoted at $1,170.56, while the CCL dollar was traded at $1,186.93. Both parallel markets reflect relative stability compared to the blue dollar. In addition, the tourist dollar, which includes a surcharge of 30% of the PAIS Tax and 45% on account of Profits, was quoted at $1,378.36.
Fountain: Dollar Today.
This exchange rate is mainly used by tourists and people who make purchases abroad. The price of the dollar has been a very relevant issue in Argentina, especially in a context of high inflation and currency devaluation.
The difference between the dollar official and blue has been a constant in recent years, and its impact on the economy and the daily lives of citizens is significant. The Argentine government has implemented various measures to try to reduce this exchange gap, including the gradual elimination of the exchange rate and the promotion of foreign investment.
However, these efforts have faced challenges and had mixed results. The quote of dollar in Argentina this January 2, 2025 shows notable differences between the official market and the parallel market, reflecting the complexities and challenges facing the country’s economy.
The exchange rate gap and the various quotes of the different types of dollars are issues that will continue to be relevant in the near future. According to the financial site Dólar Hoy, the blue dollar is trading at $1,210 for purchase and $1,230 for sale. The official price is $1012.50 for the purchase and $1052.50.
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