What kind of effects can they produce?
The ultraviolet radiation Non-ionizing agents that are present in the health sector to sterilize medical tools and in industry in welding equipment, can cause skin damage such as burns, rashes and even cause skin cancer.
In the case of visible type radiation that are present in lasers can affect the eyes above all because the type of machinery is capable of concentrating energy in a very small area.
Likewise, in the radio frequencies and microwaves that are seen in the medical field, their direct effect is the increase in skin temperature.
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According to expert engineer Girish Kumar, when cooking food in a microwave oven “the water in the food is the one that receives the vibration and begins to vibrate about 2.45 million times per second. That vibration causes friction, and friction produces heat ”: he said in an interview.
“Microwave radiation penetrates the human body. Water, blood, and fluid molecules begin to vibrate at high speed. For example, if the frequencies of mobile phone antennas are 900MHz, 1800MHz, 2100MHz, it means that even if we take the lowest number – 900MHz – water molecules begin to vibrate at the speed of 900 million times per second”, he added.
When it comes to producing vibrations inside the body, it causes friction, which ends up causing DNA damage. “Then heat is produced and this leads to the thermal effect. But it is the non-thermal effect, the vibration, which is causing DNA damage very slowlyand that is what causes health problems.”
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) mobile phones are a possible carcinogen.which means that it is not only the radiation from the mobile phone, but all the radiation.
Namely, radiation from TV towers, FM towers, telecommunication towers and even from Wi-Fi radiationwould be harmful to people.