Do you want to work at Google? These are the vacancies available TODAY in Chile

Google It is one of the most important technology companies in the world and, being a multinational, it has branches all over the world. Its main objective is not only search engines, quantum computing, electronic commerce, among many tasks and functions. The dream of all computer lovers is perhaps to work in this company and therefore, you should be attentive to job vacancies. employment for which you can apply and which are available today.

In recent days, since Google They announced that they opened the call for all people who want to work in this company. If you have always dreamed of belonging to the ‘Google’ family, this is the great opportunity, taking into account that at the headquarters located in Chile, they opened the call to fill some positions, in particular there are four jobs and where you will receive an important salary.

Google has published some job vacancies. Source iStock

The first job available in Google The one you can access is ‘Data Center Facilities Technician Electrical’ and it refers to the fact that you will work as a Google Facilities Technician, operating and monitoring all electrical and HVAC systems in the data centers, helping to maintain non-critical components . For this position, initial experience is required and it is in person.

4 job vacancies that you can access. Source iStock

Another job you can apply for in Google is ‘Customer Engineer, VMWare, Google Cloud’ and the characteristics of this job are that you will support the sales and customer team, facilitating business transformation. Unlike the previous job, work experience is required and you will have to do it in person in Santiago.

All positions require experience and are face-to-face. Source iStock

The last two job positions available in Google at the headquarters in Santiago are ‘Sales Specialist, Google Cloud’ and ‘Senior Red Team Consultant, Mandiant’ and what we must say about these jobs is that the first is characterized by inspiring leading companies and seeking innovative solutions that boost productivity and collaboration; while in the latter, you will help clients prepare, mitigate and detect cybersecurity threats.

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