The Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic assured this Friday, a few days before the start of the ATP finals that will be played in Turin, that he is not “as young” as the rest of his rivals who will have to be measured from Sunday.
At 35 years old, Djokovic will have the opportunity to win his sixth trophy. The last one, he raised it in 2015. Later, he played two more finals, in 2016 and 2018. Now, he will try to add another ATP final to his resume to match the six crowns of the Swiss Roger Federer, although he is aware that he is no longer as young as years ago.
“I don’t feel as young as the others. It’s been a while since my first participation, but I think I’m in good shape. Particularly in the last four or five months. I have won Wimbledon and most of the tournaments I have had indoors before the World Tour finals », he said in statements collected by the organization.
He also acknowledged waiting “looking forward” to the start of the tournament and recalled that he has “experience” in the format of the ATP finals, so that can help him “in some way.”
“It’s the last week of the year on the Tour, it’s kind of the last sprint, so to speak, for all of us. From the first game you have to have a very high intensity, so each one of us is trying to prepare as best as possible. But we also try to enjoy these few days before the tournament starts », he indicated.
“I’m motivated and I’m really looking forward to a challenge. I think the intensity is going to be very high, from the blocks I have to concentrate as if I were playing finals. Every match is going to be this way », he concluded. EFE