The Federal Economic Competition Commission (COFECE), the National Hydrocarbons Commission (CNH), the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE), the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (Coneval) and the National Commission for the Continuous Improvement of Education (Mejoredu).
The reform, called by Morena “organic simplification”, changes articles 3, 6, 26, 27, 28, 41, 76, 78, 89, 105, 113, 116, 123 and 134 and orders that the functions of these organizations will pass to various dependencies.
During the discussion, emecista Luis Donaldo questioned the disappearance of these organizations and pointed out that it seems that the purpose of their elimination is to leave Mexicans in a “state of defenselessness” by depriving them of tools to demand accountability.
“We are facing a proposal that weakens people by eliminating the mechanisms that have allowed us to defend ourselves, inform ourselves and become indignant and with indignation make decisions. We are discussing the disappearance of institutions that not only protect the right to know, but also strengthen democracy by put information in people’s hands,” he declared.
Meanwhile, Morenoist Lizeth Sánchez García mentioned that the proposal is “relevant and responsible”, since she said that the “proliferation” of autonomous and decentralized organizations has resulted in duplication of functions, administrative inefficiency and “excessive” use. of public resources. Likewise, he asserted that the reform does not seek to “dismantle institutions”, but rather integrates it “effectively into the Administrative apparatus.”
“Today we take a decisive step towards a more efficient and fair Mexico. This reform represents a firm step towards administrative rationality, efficiency in the use of public resources and the strengthening of the State at the service of the people,” he mentioned.
What changes?
These changes eliminate the IFT and the Coffee, so that a new body is created that will replace both to prevent Mexico from facing economic sanctions within the framework of the T-MEC. This will have technical and operational independence”, in addition to having legal personality and own assetsbut it will depend directly on the government.
“The authority in matters of free competition and concurrence will have legal personality and its own assets, will be endowed with technical and operational independence in its decisions, organization and operation, and the separation between the authority that investigates and the one that resolves the procedures will be guaranteed.” , is mentioned in the approved reform.
Also disappears National Hydrocarbons Commission (CNH) and the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE)so now the Ministry of Energy will now have the powers to carry out technical and economic regulation and the power to sanction in energy and hydrocarbon matters.
Another organism that disappears is the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI). Its functions of access to information and protection of personal data are transferred to the Secretariat of Public Administration, the control body of the Judiciary and the comptrollers of the Congress of the Union. This is intended to be replicated at the state level.
He disappears National Council for Evaluation of Social Development Policy (Coneval)so the actions it carries out, such as measuring poverty and evaluating social programs, pass into the hands of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI).
The transitional articles establish that the labor rights of public servants will be respected, which is why it is established that the people who work in these disappearing organizations will become part of those agencies that assume their powers.
It is also mentioned that the savings generated with the disappearance of public entities will be allocated to the Pension Fund for Wellbeing; Meanwhile, the 4,422.2 million pesos requested by the seven organizations for 2025 will be used in other areas, such as education, culture, water and security. The latter was reported by Morena’s coordinator in the Chamber of Deputies, Ricardo Monreal.