Students from a renowned Catholic school in Asunción held a peaceful protest to denounce the various cases of sexual harassment that have been registered in the institution, both by students and teachers.
Yesterday, a group of students held a sit-in in the courtyard of a private school, in order to publicize the situation of which they have been victims for a long time.
The students report having suffered systematic harassment in the educational institution, in addition to having knowledge of cases of sexual abuse, including.
Both teachers and students would be the ones who incurred in this type of reprehensible acts that are now exposed by young people publicly.
Through posters and banners, they denounced the attitude assumed by teachers and educational authorities by asking them “not to wear short skirts” to avoid provoking men.
Similarly, the students repudiated the fact that they had not been listened to by those responsible for the school when they made the corresponding complaints, for which they showed their indignation at the prevailing impunity.
The private school issued a statement assuring that they will take measures after yesterday’s peaceful demonstration, activating the established protocols in cases of sexual harassment and abuse. Likewise, they announced the opening of an official channel to receive all the complaints from the students.