Minister Flávio Dino of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) decided on Tuesday (28) to release the payment of parliamentary amendments to four foundations that work in support for technological research. The transfers of resources were released after an audit by the Comptroller General of the Union (CGU) to point out that there are no irregularities in the values of amendments to the institutions.
The decision releases payments for the activities of the Foundation for Support for Scientific and Technological Research of the Federal Rural University of Rio January (FAPUR); The Coordination of Projects, Research and Technological Studies Foundation (COPPETEC); The Research Support Foundation (Funape), besides the Brazilian Institute of Citizenship and Social Action (IBRAS).
According to the minister, it was proven that entities are applying transparency rules in the use of resources. “The CGU concluded that these entities provide easily accessible transparency pages, present information on parliamentary amendments to them and, therefore, fulfill the transparency requirements,” said Dino.
On the 3rd of this month, Flávio Dino suspended parliamentary amendments to non -governmental organizations (NGOs) due to lack of transparency. The funds will only be released from proof of regularity in transfers, which are made by the federal government, responsible for the execution of the Union budget.
In December 2022, the Supreme Court understood that the amendments called RP8 and RP9 were unconstitutional. After the decision, the National Congress approved a resolution that changed the rules of distribution of resources by rapporteur amendments to comply with the court’s determination.
However, PSOL, a party that filed a lawsuit against the amendments, pointed out that the decision continued to comply.
After the retirement of Minister Rosa Weber, original rapporteur of the case, Flávio Dino took over the case.
In August last year, Dino ordered the suspension of the amendments and decided that transfers should follow traceability criteria. The minister also determined that the Comptroller General of the Union (CGU) audit the transfers of parliamentarians through the amendments of the secret budget.