Home Central americaNicaragua Dictator Ortega backs down and announces that he will receive the pro tempore presidency of SICA

Dictator Ortega backs down and announces that he will receive the pro tempore presidency of SICA

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Dictator Ortega backs down and announces that he will receive the pro tempore presidency of SICA

The Ortega-Murillo dictatorship backed down on its threat of not attending the meetings of the Central American Integration System (SICA) as a form of blackmail to have one of its own elected as secretary general of the organization, and this Saturday, December 16 June, announced that he will receive the presidency of the regional integrationist entity.

With this decision, the danger that Ortega could “torpedo” the functioning of the organization from the pro tempore presidency now comes to the public spotlight, according to an analyst consulted.

In an official letter, signed by the dictator Ortega and his wife, the vice-dictator Rosario Murillo, sent to all the leaders of the full member countries, they announce that, in accordance with the rotating cycle of the pro tempore presidency of the organization, established in its statutes , this pro tempore presidency corresponds to Nicaragua and in that sense they will be receiving it.

Related girlfriend: Ortega withdraws from SICA to “pressure” for the appointment of one of his nominees for secretary general

“With this Message between Central American brothers, we wish to ratify, confirm, that Nicaragua will be receiving the Pro Tempore Presidency of SICA, in the times and modalities established in our Regulations and Protocols,” says the letter sent to the Central American presidents and the Dominican Republic.

Just four days before, the Managua dictatorship had announced that it would withdraw from the formal meetings of the regional organization as a form of protest because its proposal for general secretary of SICA had not yet been accepted, none of those proposed on its shortlist, which includes three of his most loyal political operators.

Ortega tries to impose his political operator Valdrack Jaentschke as general secretary of SICA to facilitate the inclusion of Russia and China.
Ortega tries to impose his political operator Valdrack Jaentschke as general secretary of SICA to facilitate the inclusion of Russia and China.

The retreat of the Ortega-Murillo regime in its relationship with the integrationist system gives rise to the possibility that Ortega’s interest in assuming the pro-tempo presidency, which effectively corresponds to him by chronological rotation, could be due to the intention to influence from “within.” » in the appointment of one of his files as secretary general, according to a former diplomat consulted by Article 66.

Related news: Ortega proposes the political operator Valdrack Jaentschke as a replacement for Werner Vargas in the SICA Secretariat

«That Ortega backs down on the SICA issue after having threatened to withdraw from the meetings may be due to the fact that he is now trying to torpedo the functioning of the organization from the presidency, to pressure the appointment of his political files in the general secretariat, it may even paralyzing SICA,” said the expert in diplomatic strategies who requested anonymity for security.

The letter from the dictators to the Central American presidents adds that the chancellor, Denis Moncada, and the entire team of the Nicaraguan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will be coordinating the relevant moments and events, to optimize the work of the Pro Tempore Presidency, which, according to They point out “we will be playing, with everyone, and for the good of all.

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