Although up to now the amount stolen by the criminals who detonated the Kressburgo Regional Bank, Carlos Antonio López, Itapúa department, is unknown, it can be confirmed that due to the explosionsome of the bags were hidden among the rubble and were found by the experts.
In total they found more than 600 million guaraníes and 236 bills of 100 American dollars, as reported by the participants in an interview with Telefuturo.
Related note: With explosives, they detonate the Bank and surround the Police Station with Miguelito nails
Alsoat 19:55 yesterday Friday, in a cornfield in San Rafael del Paraná they found two pieces of gel dynamite and a Toyota Allion car, denounced as stolen at the 18th Police Station in Asunción, according to the report from the 111th Police Station in Kressburgo.
Eight to 12 subjects They arrived yesterday morning at Banco Regional Saeca, fired shots into the air and against the bank headquarters. Subsequently, two of the criminals entered and placed gel dynamite, after which the explosion occurred.
Before, withThey located Miguelito nails in the surroundings of the police station in the area and surrounded the place with two vehicles and armed occupants to prevent the intervention of the uniformed officers.
Also read: Bank detonation: Police chief surrendered to people with long weapons
the troops They immediately alerted other police stations in the areawho were in charge of closing all possible escape routes corresponding to the path of the bank, however, they didn’t catch anyone.
The entrance Detonation of the Regional Bank: they find some bags of money under the rubble was first published on newspaper TODAY.