The deputy to the National Assembly (AN), Julio Chávez, during an interview on the program “Al Aire”, broadcast by Venezolana de Televisión (VTV), stated that the election of justices of the peace is the expression of the “new vision of the geometry of power”, promoted by the National Government, and is a “debt that had to be settled with the Venezuelan people and even with the new Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.”
Chávez stressed that peace justice “was nothing that was invented,” but is established in article 258 of the Magna Carta, which mentions and makes clear that “they must be chosen directly, secretly and universally,” and comes to land in the “new communal territoriality, one of the five powers at the national level which is the judicial power and where Commander Hugo Chávez said that from there we must give birth to Territorial Socialism.”
Likewise, he stated that this justice is the “deepening of the need to continue advancing in the transformation of the justice system”, which has led to the renewal of the Supreme Court of Justice, the reforms of the laws and addressing procedural delays.
“The justice of the peace has among his powers and powers to begin to develop that vision of justice or insurgent law because he proposes alternative mechanisms to resolve conflicts through mechanisms of dialogue and conciliation, that is, he serves as a mediator,” he stated.
Furthermore, the parliamentarian added that it is the communal government where all powers are based and “how it is expressed: the Executive Branch, in the self-government management of the commune; the Legislative Branch, where the communal parliament is seen that will assume the tasks of legislating the coexistence ordinances and even the debates that take place in the debates for the approval of budgets for the communes; the Moral Power, the communal prosecutors and defense offices; and the Electoral Power, which is already present, and the anchoring of the Judicial Power in the justices of the Peace” and now comes the training and formation process that will provide the tools for conflict resolution within the communities.