The Minister of Economy, Serge Massa, will attend the Chamber of Deputies on September 28 to present the Budget project 2023which will open the debate on the initiative on the expenses and resources planned for next year, which the ruling party aspires to approve in a special session on October 26.
During the meeting held on Tuesday between the head of the Chamber of Deputies, Cecilia Moreauand the heads of the parliamentary blocs of the ruling party and the opposition also agreed that after Massa’s presentation, the members of the economic team will do the same, who will also answer questions from legislators about the project.
These are the Secretary of the Treasury, Raul Rigo; Finance, Eduardo Setti; of production, Jose de Mendiguren; of Agriculture, John Joseph Bahillo; and energy, Flavia Rayon.
In the two weeks that the consultation round will last, the AFIP holders will also present, Charles Castagneto; Customs, William Michaeland from Anses, Fernanda Raventaand the labor ministers, Claudius Moroni; Of transport, alexis warrior; and Public Works, Gabriel Katopodisamong others.
?» I met with the heads of all the blocks and with the authorities of the Budget Commission to plan how it will be debated in @DiputadosAR the General Budget Law of the National Administration for Fiscal Year 2023.
— Cecilia Moreau (@ceciliamoreauok) September 20, 2022
After concluding the presentations of the officials, the debate between the legislators will begin to finish designing the opinion that they intend to sign on Monday, October 24in order to be able to approve it on the floor on October 26 and then send it to the Senate, said the president and the secretary of the Budget Commission, Charles Heller Y Marcelo Casarettorespectively, in a contact with the press after the meeting this Tuesday afternoon.
The agreements that the ruling party can thread are key to ensuring a majority since they have 117 votes of their own and require the support of at least a dozen more legislators, in order to guarantee the sanction of the project.
This could happen if it again reaches agreements with provincial blocs, as happened last Thursday when the project was approved of extension of taxes due at the end of the yearwhich will now begin to be analyzed by the Senate to turn it into law.
The Government sent last Thursday the project of Budget 2023 that contemplates for the next year a total expenditure of 29 billion pesos, a growth of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 2 percent, an inflation of 60 percent and a primary deficit of 1.9%.
The meeting called by Moreau, which was held in the “Delia Parodi” Hall, was attended by the vice president of the body, Omar De Marchi (Pro), the presidents of the Frente de Todos caucus, German Martinez; of the Radical Civic Union, mario nigri; of the Civic Coalition, John Manuel Lopez; of the Federal interblock, Alejandro “Topo” Rodriguez; of radical evolution Rodrigo de Loredoof the Missionary Concord Front, Diego Sartori.
✅ BUDGET 2023. Today we begin to deal with the Bill entered on 9/15. On 9/28 we will receive @SergioMassa, and we will try to give him a half sanction on 10/26. Every week we will receive the Ministers, so that they report and answer the questions. @Deputies_All
– Marcelo Casaretto (@mpcasaretto) September 20, 2022
Also present were the members of the Budget Committee, Charles Heller (FDT), in his capacity as president, and the secretaries Marcelo Casaretto (FDT), Victor Romero (UCR), Paula Olivett (Civic Coalition), and Itai Hagman (FDT).
In addition, the FDT legislators joined Paula Penaca Y sergio palazzothe left-wing deputies Nicholas del Cano and Romina del Pla; Silvia Lospennato, from JxC; José Luis Espert, of Avanza Libertad; and Ignacio García Aresca, from Córdoba Federal.
Heller did not rule out the possibility of also inviting the president of the Central Bank, Miguel Angel Pesceand directors of state companies as requested by the opposition.
“As there is not going to be the possibility that Pesce comes if he already did it in a meeting when the projects on UVA credits were discussed. We are going to invite him but there is a power to come or not come, he is not an official of the Executive Power “Heller said.
From the opposition, Negri told journalists that “the ruling party wants to meet on October 26, that is, in more or less 45 days” and pointed out that from the interbloc Together for Change they requested “also the presence of the director of the Central Bank, Miguel Pesce”.
“We do not want an express treatment. We have predisposition but that no one is left without coming,” Negri added.
Lospennato, for his part, said that they also asked “the ruling party to bring in the owners of the most important public companies, which are in deficit, such as Aerolineas Argentinas. This cost must be foreseen in the Budget and we want to know what it is due to.” held.
Espert, for his part, pointed out: “Although it is true that the BCRA is not part of the Budget, we want its president to present himself to give explanations to the deputies not only because it appears as part of the financing of the fiscal deficit but also because it has experienced a very large equity loss as a result of the operation of the soybean dollar that will be compensated with a large issue of Treasury debt”.