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June 15, 2022
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Deputies seek to approve tax relief for almost five million people

The ruling party seeks to debate an intense agenda, after the single ballot session

(Photo: Deputies Press).

The Chamber of Deputies will seek to sanction this Wednesday, in a special session promoted by the Front of All (FdT)the tax relief bill that will benefit around 4.5 million monotributistas and 140,000 self-employedas part of the measures promoted by the ruling party to improve the situation of these key sectors of the economic life of the country.

The opinion of the Budget and Finance Committee to grant tax relief to monotributistas and self-employed It will be the first point of the extensive agenda that will be addressed this Wednesday in the special session that will begin at 11, where tax benefits for cultural industries and for the acquisition of taxis will also be discussed.

This initiative – which once approved will be turned over to the Senate – has the support of the legislators of the FdT, the Federal Interbloc and the United Provinces, with which 129 positive votes have already been secured.

The changes will have a positive impact on the economic situation of 4,498,419 monotax payers throughout the countrywhich represents 39% of AMBA and 61% of the provinces.

It is likely that the vote will also include votes from Together for Change (JxC)although in this block there is a disagreement on the deduction of the self-employed.

The project promoted by the ruling party advances to next July 1 the adjustment for the maximum billing amounts, with the application of the 29.12% index.

In this way, as stated, It will not include an increase in the monthly installments to be paid, but only an update of the maximum billing limits is sought so that the monotributistas do not have to jump to a larger scale, or be left out of the Simplified Regime.

The changes will have a positive impact on the economic situation of 4,498,419 monotax payers throughout the countrywhich represents 39% of AMBA and 61% of the provinces.

According to the opinion, the billing that each category of the monotax may reach will be the following: Category A $601,959.49; Category B $894,804.65; Category C $1,252,726.50; Category D $1,724,532.59; Category E $2,277,684.56; Category F $2,847,105.70; Category G $3,416,526.83; Category H $4,229,985.60; Category I $4,734,330.03; Category J $5,425,770.00; and Category K $6,019,594.89.

Regarding the self-employed who are covered by the Income Tax, the project proposes “increasing deductions so that the non-taxable minimum is more equitable or closer to that applied by employees in a dependency relationship.”

In this way, the special deduction for the self-employed would represent twice the non-taxable profit, going from $505,129.66 to $757,694.52.

Thus, the “gap” of the special deduction between the employee and the self-employed would shrink from $707,181.58 to $454,616.72, while for new professionals it rises from 1.5 to 2.5 times the non-taxable profit.

The lower house seeks to approve a package of economic and political projects promoted by the ruling party

The Chamber of Deputies will hold a special session this Wednesday promoted by the Frente de Todos to debate a set of economic, cultural and political projects, among which are the opinions to grant fiscal relief to more than four million monotributistas and autonomous, extension of tax benefits for cultural industries, creation of national parks and training of officials on the Malvinas cause.

The session was convened for 11 o’clock, but an hour before, a meeting of Parliamentary Work will be held -which will be headed by the body’s president, Sergio Massa- in which they will seek to agree on the times that the treatment of the session will demand, of the speeches , and requests for tributes, questions of privilege and preference.

The sanction of these initiatives is assured since the ruling party has the support of the Federal and United Provinces interblocks, which allows it to guarantee a quorum of 129 deputies as well as the approval of the opinions issued by the respective advisory commissions of the legislative body.

The Frente de Todos also estimates that the Neuquén Popular Movement and the Ser Bloc will support the projects, while Together for Change will support most of the initiatives, although it has objections to the issue of the 50-year extension of the benefits for the cultural industry. that proposes to limit them and on the deductions of Earnings that will be granted to the self-employed.

The special session will first begin to discuss the tax relief project promoted by Massa that seeks to benefit some 4 million monotributistas and some 140 self-employed, who are part of the measures promoted by the ruling party to improve the situation of these key sectors of the economic life of the country.

The project promoted by the ruling party is to bring forward the adjustment for the maximum billing amounts to next July 1, since the application of the 29.12% index is brought forward.

Regarding the self-employed who are covered by the Income Tax, the project proposes “increasing deductions so that the non-taxable minimum is more equitable or closer to that applied by employees in a dependency relationship.”

In this way, the special deduction for the self-employed would represent twice the non-taxable profit, going from 5,129.66 to 7,694.52.

Another key issue that will be discussed is the projected demanded by different cultural sectors to extend by 50 the benefits for cultural industries that expire at the end of the year.

The extension until 2072 of the Specific allocations for Cultural Industries and Institutions, seeks to avoid the underfunding of organizations such as the Institute of Cinema, Theater and Music.

Also, it will seek to discuss this Wednesday the project that establishes transitory tax benefits for the acquisition of zero kilometer vehicles of national origin for owners of taxi licenses.

Another key topic of the session is the project, the project that seeks to guarantee “comprehensive training regarding the Malvinas Question for people who work in public office” and another to place the phrase “Las Malvinas son Argentinas” in all State dependencies, within the framework of the 40 years of the war.

It will also seek to approve the initiatives that establish the extension of the surface of the Pre-Delta National Park, in Entre Ríos, and the projects that cede land to the Nation for the creation of the Ansenuza park, in Córdoba, and Islote Lobos, in Río Black.

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