With this call, the reform of the Judicial Branch will be discussed without the forums that Morena promoted to analyze the initiative having concluded, since there are still two more meetings in August: one in Saltillo and another in Sinaloa.
What are the 20 reforms that AMLO sent?
On February 5, President López Obrador sent 20 initiatives on political-electoral matters, pensions, education, minimum wage, electricity industry and the Judiciary.
This reform package includes a welfare initiative that seeks to convert several social programs into constitutional rights, such as the Benito Juárez scholarship and the pension for disabled people.
There is also a proposal for the National Workers’ Housing Fund Institute (Infonavit) to not only grant loans to buy housing, but also to build social housing and protect leasing schemes for its members.
There is another proposal to amend Article 4 of the Constitution, which adds that “medical studies, surgical interventions and necessary medications” should be free of charge.