Home South AmericaUruguay Delgado closes his campaign by criticizing the Frente Amplio: “social sensitivity has no owner”

Delgado closes his campaign by criticizing the Frente Amplio: “social sensitivity has no owner”

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Delgado closes his campaign by criticizing the Frente Amplio: “social sensitivity has no owner”

Alvaro Delgado closes campaign

At the close of his campaign in Maldonado, the National Party candidate, Alvaro Delgadoassured that the current government will manage to remove 70,000 people from the settlements through the Avanzar Plan.

During the event held on Tuesday night, Delgado highlighted that the administration of Luis Lacalle Pou has shown that “social sensitivity has no owner,” thus launching a new criticism of the Frente Amplio.

This last type of harangue is not isolated and has been the leitmotif of Delgado’s campaign, who has spent practically the entire campaign trying to divert the focus of attention towards the FA.

Delgado stated that after 15 years of the Frente Amplio government, “218 thousand people were left living in more than 650 settlements.” He stressed that “the kings of social sensitivity left us 218 thousand Uruguayans living in settlements in unworthy situations.”

According to the former Secretary of the Presidency, the social and housing policies of the current government have made it possible to demonstrate that “social sensitivity has no owner, it has no ideology, only political will was needed.”

At the event, Delgado highlighted the experience of the department of Maldonado in the relocation of the Kennedy settlement and stated that the administration has replicated this model in at least six more settlements. According to his statements, at the end of the current government “at least 70 thousand Uruguayans will end up with decent housing, as they deserve.”

Delgado in defense mode of the LUC and more criticism of the FA

During his speech, Delgado reviewed the critical points of the Frente Amplio during the pandemic and the debate over the Law of Urgent Consideration (LUC). He criticized the left-wing coalition for its position during the health emergency, recalling that “the FA leadership, 15 days after the emergency was declared, began to push ahead with the mandatory quarantine and wanted to lock people up.” He contrasted this attitude with the strategy of the Lacalle Pou government of betting on “responsible freedom.”


The candidate also mentioned the constant criticism about the alleged collapse of intensive treatment centers (ITC) and the delay in the arrival of vaccines. He defended the government’s management, stating that “there was not a single Uruguayan who was not treated in a CTI, public or private.”

Regarding vaccines, Delgado recalled that they made sure to provide the best vaccines at the necessary time, which allowed Uruguay to become one of the most immunized countries in the world.

The debate over the 135 articles of the LUC was another of the topics addressed by Delgado. He recalled the accusations of “trigger-happy”, “express evictions” and “child trafficking” that the opposition used against the proposed modifications regarding security, rentals and adoptions, respectively. He stressed that none of these predictions materialized.

Delgado already looks like a winner

With an optimistic tone, Delgado assured that in October he will be the candidate of the government coalition and in November, “the president of all Uruguayans.” He invited everyone to Plaza Independencia on March 1, 2025, the day on which, according to him, both he and Lacalle Pou will be “wet-eyed” with excitement as they pass the presidential sash.

Finally, after 40 minutes of speech, Delgado asked the militants present for their commitment to going to vote on June 30. Accompanied by political figures such as former Minister of Defense Javier García, Senator Juan Sartori, Mayor of Maldonado Enrique Antía and Deputy Diego Echeverría, Delgado closed his event with hugs and greetings, preparing for his last campaign stop in Montevideo.

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