Politics, here and everywhere, needs more nobility, decency and simplicity. Yesterday they shot dead a Dominican politician who had those three qualities, among many others. It is a real casualty for the political system, because more like him are needed. There are those who think that to survive in politics, these qualities do not help, since they become weaknesses. But Orlando Jorge Mera was an example that this is not necessarily the case. In the Dominican Revolutionary Party he had an intense and extensive career, managing to shine with his own light, regardless of the fact that he was the son of a former president of the Republic. That might get him started, but to sustain himself, he needed more than that.
Manso, in a jungle
His prudence and serenity seemed counterproductive when he had to assume certain political positions, such as secretary general of his party or delegate to the Central Electoral Board. Journalists who covered politics at the time should remember that. More than one thought, and went so far as to say out loud, that he lacked “tigerage” to play those roles, not only because of what the charges themselves implied, but because of who his counterparts were. Of these and other challenges, the politician Orlando Jorge Mera came out well.
In what nobody beat Orlando was in simplicity. In many scenarios he repeated the phrase: “Power is like a passing shadow”, which he heard from his father. So easy is that phrase to repeat, as difficult to assimilate and act aware of its meaning. He did it. He was the same in power and in opposition.