During the month of November, people who have debts with banks and financial institutions will be able to negotiate their debts.
The National Debt Negotiation and Financial Guidance Task Force begins this Friday (1st), a joint initiative of the Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febraban), Central Bank (BC), National Consumer Secretariat (Senacon) and Procons from all over the world. country with the aim of helping consumers rebalance their finances.
In the previous edition, held in March this year, more than 1.6 million contracts were renegotiated. In collective effort website It is possible to consult the list of participating banks. The action continues until November 30th.
Credit card debts, special checks, payroll loans and other types of credit taken out from banks and financial institutions that are in arrears, do not have assets pledged as collateral and are not time-barred can be negotiated.
During the action, participating companies offer installments, discounts on the value of the debt or even reduced interest rates for refinancing, according to each credit policy.
The collective effort is not recommended for consumers protected by Super-Indebtedness Law. A person who is unable to pay off their debts and maintain their livelihood or that of their family is over-indebted. In this case, the recommendation is to contact Procon directly.
Each consumer can check their debts on Registrationa Central Bank system through which it is possible to access, among others, the Loan and Financing Report (SCR), which contains the list of debts owed to financial institutions. To access the system, you must have an account on Gov.br, the federal government’s digital services channel.
Negotiations can be made directly with the creditor institution, through its official channels, or with intermediation through the Consumidor.Gov.Br portal. In the latter case, a Gov.br account, at Silver or Gold levels, is also required.