The deadline for entries in the Correios competition ends this Monday (28). The selection is to fill 3,511 vacancies, of which 3,099 are secondary-level vacancies and 412 are higher-level vacancies.
As inscriptionswhich started on the 10th, must be done online, at website from the Brazilian Institute of Training and Capacity Building (IBFC), the institution responsible for the competition.
More than 1.2 million candidates have already registered, according to the Post Office. Fees are R$39.80 for secondary level and R$42 for higher level. Bone marrow donors in entities registered with the Ministry of Health and those registered with CadÚnico are entitled to exemption from the registration fee.
Salaries start at R$2,429.26 for mid-level positions and R$6,872.48 for higher-level analyst positions.
The tests are scheduled for December 15th. For mid-level Post Office agent positions, the tests will be objective, eliminatory and classificatory in nature, with 50 questions. For Mail Analysts, there will be objectives of an eliminatory and classificatory nature, plus a discursive test with an essay of up to 30 lines.
In the case of vacancies intended for candidates with higher education, there are opportunities for lawyers, systems analysts, architects, archivists, social workers and engineers. For engineers and architects, salaries will be adjusted to meet the legal minimum for the categories, currently at R$10,302.00.
According to the notice, 30% of vacancies are for black people (black and brown) and indigenous people. Another 10% is reserved for people with disabilities.
Benefits include food and meal vouchers, transportation vouchers, daycare or babysitting assistance and the option of having a health plan and supplementary pension.
According to the company’s management, the competition aims to face the demand accumulated for more than a decade without hiring at a national level. In addition to meeting the demand for more professionals, hiring new employees will avoid work overload.
The competition, which is nationwide, can be held in up to 306 locations spread across all states and the Federal District. The competition’s validity period is one year from the approval of the final results, with the possibility of an extension of another 12 months.