Page Seven / La Paz
Roberto de la Cruz, former executive of the Central Obrera Regional (COR) of El Alto, said that Felipe Quispe, El Mallku, father of Governor Santos Quispe, must be rolling in his grave because his son was caught with alcoholic beverages in his office.
“My mentor, Felipe Quispe, El Mallku, must be wallowing in the cemetery in the Omasuyos province because his son is making him look bad. (…) This fact denigrates us as if we Aymaras were only dedicated to drinking and not to managing”, indicated the also jurist.
On Tuesday night, Quispe was caught with alcoholic beverages in his office. He was later transferred to police cells. At night it was known that he was in the capacity of apprehended. Meanwhile, departmental authorities asked him to resign.
De la Cruz said that unfortunately the department of La Paz is not lucky to have governors. He pointed out that the former departmental authority Félix Patzi “was just drunk, and now this new governor, worse.”
Likewise, he asked the judicial authorities to act in accordance with the law and to sanction Quispe, because he violated the Penal Code. “For moral reasons, Santos Quispe, if he still loves his father, he should step aside,” he said.