Home South AmericaUruguay Data to take into account to vote on the 30th

Data to take into account to vote on the 30th

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Data to take into account to vote on the 30th

There are 13 days left until the internal elections of each political party, and EL ECO continues to report different aspects of this democratic body.

Voting is not mandatory and each citizen chooses whether to attend or not. Some information to take into account.

-In the secret room there will be two kinds of voting sheets. One will have the pre-candidate for the Presidency of the Republic and the list of both incumbents and substitutes, of national conventions (ODN).
The other sheet will include the list of candidates, regular and alternate, of departmental conventions (ODD).

-You can vote for the presidential candidate (national sheet) and the departmental conventional candidates (departmental sheet). You can also vote just one, be it the national or departmental one, or none (blank vote), or cancel the vote (e.g., put sheets from different political parties).

-Cross-voting may be done within the same political party: for example, a presidential candidate for the National Party and any of the departmental votes, but always within the National Party.

-No mayoral candidates or mayoral candidates are elected.

-Each citizen must vote exclusively in the circuit that corresponds to them. There is no observed vote for citizens.

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