Two mobile scanners will be purchased with the Customs’ own funds, through a bidding process published on the page of the Public Procurement Directorate. The envelopes with the offers will be opened in June.
The previous tender was canceled due to a notable difference between the prices offered and the reference costs in force in the international market.
“There is documentary support from potential local bidders for the provision of a High Energy X-Ray Portal type scanner priced at US$ 5,028,571 per unit. However, the manufacturer quotes the same equipment as a reference at US$ 2,500,000 per unit,” the institution reported.
In addition to the purchase of these two pieces of equipment, the cooperation of the United States will be obtained for the acquisition of two other scanners.
The new devices will strengthen the control of containers in the country’s private ports, through which shipments pass disguised as acrylic paint, charcoal, among other examples of schemes broken in previous years.
The entrance Customs will acquire two mobile scanners: bid opening will be in June was first published in diary TODAY.