In a regular meeting, the Legislation and Codification Commission, chaired by deputy Jorge Ávalos Mariño (PLRA), analyzed several initiatives, among which the document “That implements the obligation to have non-intrusive inspection equipment and technologies (scanner) stands out. , permanently available in the primary customs zones and special surveillance areas, which allow an effective control of the merchandise that enters and leaves the Paraguayan territory.
It was recommended to approve this project with some modifications. For his part, the legislator Ávalos mentioned that they considered it necessary to introduce some specifications, such as clarifying that while the rule is in force (one year), the National Customs Directorate can continue processing import and export files to all consigned merchandise, in all ports authorized by law.
On the other hand, he reported that they will join the opinion of the Budget Commission in what has to do with the initiative “For which the draft Law No. 6,964/2022, which appoints the secretaries of the Courts of Paz of the Republic of Paraguay, as specialized clerks of the Peace Courts with jurisdiction in civil, commercial, labor, criminal, childhood and adolescence matters; and establishes their salary system.