Through a press conference in Cusco, part of the unionized residents of the Front for the Defense of the Interests of Espinar – Fudie, announced an indefinite strike in that province starting on Friday, November 7, accusing the Antapaccay company of alleged pacts unfulfilled.
The so-called executive committee of the Fudie, headed by the resident Sergio Huamaní, arrived at the facilities of the Revolutionary Agrarian Federation of Workers of Cusco – Fartac, where they announced their protest measure, which they described as invariable and urgent.
As they mentioned, they accuse the mining company of polluting their rivers and water sources causing the residents to consume water with metals, demanding financial compensation in this regard, in addition to asking for speed in the procedures for the delivery of a ‘bonus’ of two thousand soles to each Espinar resident.
This economic stipend would be made effective using the money from the Framework Agreement between Espinar and Antapaccay, created for the elaboration of projects, profiles and the execution of works in the province of Cusco. With the giving of the ‘bonus’, other initiatives could no longer be executed.
from the other side demanded a 3% increase in the amount that the mining company delivers to the Framework Agreementpointing out that they want that cash to be reflected in their ‘bonus’ and not be delivered through the provincial municipality, which they accused of being in collusion with Antapaccay.
Finally they did not rule out that the national road known as the Southern Mining Corridor, be taken over and blocked by the protesters, as was previously recorded not only at this point but also in the province of Chumbivilcas and in the Apurimac region.
It is worth mentioning that in the Public Registry the president of Fudie Espinar is currently the resident Irma Yauli, however, Sergio Huamaní continues to call for marches and protests, ignoring the current management, which he accuses of acting ‘in favor’ of the mining company and the State.