Those who have managed to “hook” journalists will never understand what the role of journalism is in a democratic society like the one in the Dominican Republic… Because they simply do not know the regulations of such a noble profession!
While today’s journalists, who have the delicate role of writing news (chronicles); Reports and sometimes analyzes -in the framework of journalism, mainly in the written press- must be very clear that their actions must always be marked by the “sacred mandate” of truth.
The journalist who respects the profession, and who has trodden -regardless of the stay he has in his job- a path attached to honesty, without any consideration that leads him to wrong, has to continue his fight so that in all the media prevails what no one can ever deny: The truth!
Every journalist who respects the principles and ethics must raise the flag of informative-communicational independence. Or as the most accomplished teachers of academic journalism usually proclaim: To function based on the independence of opinion and that its writing never shows signs of bias.
That professional attitude is what is going to guarantee that dirty, irresponsible journalism that works “by order” does not continue sticking its nose into newspapers (digital and printed); as well as in the electronic media: television and the always journalism that is carried out in radio programs.
In the executives of these media (directors, editors and editors) rests the future of the exercise of a healthy, democratic, independent journalism and protected by the sharpest purity.
Journalists, who will always be workers of daily information, have the obligation to firmly maintain the postulates of the trade, if they want their objectives to reach the desired peak.
Significant note: In this era of so-called globalization, in which we have the most sophisticated technology tools – led by the Internet – the news media design all their platforms to continue advancing and leave behind the communicational anachronism.
But we must not remain just operating based on these advances. Also within the framework of scientific and unquestionable technological development, it is necessary to stop, without half measures, the practice of paid journalism committed to evil interests, allied to the worst of Dominican society.
If you do not work under the foundations of exercising responsible, truthful, clean, neat and ethical journalism; our country and its democracy will bend… Just as a leafy tree bends when it has no one to care for it!