Brigadier General Jorge Salinas and Rear Admiral Jorge Keitel, the heads of the National Defense of the Ñuble and Biobío regions, respectively, reported on the end of the curfew for 16 communes affected by forest fires.
In the Ñuble region, the measure is lifted in Quillón, Coelemu, Ninhue, Portezuelo, Ránquil, Trehuaco, Coihueco and San Fabián.
Meanwhile, in Biobío, the restriction will no longer apply in Arauco, Contulmo, Mulchén, Nacimiento, Florida, Hualqui, Santa Juana and Coronel.
In this way, only the commune of Tomé will remain with nocturnal restriction in Biobío, while in Ñuble it will continue to apply in Cobquecura and Quirihue.
According to the latest report from the National Disaster Prevention and Response Service (Senapred), there are currently seven fires in combat in the Biobío Region, in which 209,646 hectares have been consumed, 1,706 homes destroyed and 17 deaths as a result of the emergency. Meanwhile, in the Ñuble Region, there is a fire in combat, 52,501 hectares consumed, 375 homes destroyed and one deceased.