MIAMI, United States. – Amidst a climate of popular protests due to a lack of electricity, shortage of food products and freedom, the regime inaugurated this October 1st the Grand Aston Cayo Paredón Hotel, in the Jardines del Rey archipelago, north of Ciego de Ávila province, according to reports from the Cuban News Agency (ACN, by its Spanish acronym).
According to the hotel’s description on the holiplus web, the facility has 635 guest rooms and suites, Caribbean style. It also features nine restaurants, seven bars and cafes, two meeting rooms and five swimming pools.
The Grand Aston Cayo Paredón Hotel is part of the Cuban regime’s tourism development plan, projected for completion in 2030. Also at Cayo Paredón there are two other facilities whose construction is almost complete (Roca Norte 1 and Roca Norte 2). The Almest Real Estate Company is in charge of these two facilities, whose inauguration is projected for 2023, according to Iyolexis Correa Lorenzo, Ministry of Tourism (MINTUR) delegate in Ciego de Ávila.
Correa Lorenzo also stated to ACN that there are 37 other projects, including lodging areas, recreation centers and support entities, in progress in the Jardines del Rey archipelago. The Jardines del Rey archipelago is made up of Cayo Coco, Cayo Guillermo, Cayo Paredón Grande and Antón Chico.
Likewise, tourism sector authorities foresee capital repairs to the Santiago-Habana and the Perla del Norte hotels, located in the cities of Ciego de Ávila and Morón, respectively. They are also looking to make improvements on Casa Vigía, in Cayo Guillermo. These works will be executed by Inmobiliaria del Turismo (Inmotur) –a state tourism real-estate company– according to Correa Lorenzo.
The Grupo Extrahotelero Palmares –a non-hotel group- plans to diversify leisure options in the keys north of Ciego de Ávila with the construction of AquaRey Park and the Cayo Montero Recreation Complex, both to be built on Cayo Guillermo, stated the official.
MINTUR is also considering creating a food-processing center and a bakery in Morón, as well as a support base for Empresa de Servicios al Turismo (Emprestur) – a tourism services company- in Cayo Paredón, and housing for this entity’s workers in Cayo Coco .
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