AREQUIPA, Peru – A contract between the Cuban regime and Russia on granting the Island a credit for 60 million dollars for the purchase of fuel will be signed in the coming days, the Cuban ambassador, Julio Antonio Garmendía, reported this Sunday.
According to what the diplomat told the Sputnik news agency, quoted by Latin Pressthe corresponding agreement has already been signed and in the coming days the contract that will allow its execution will be signed.
Garmendía pointed out that, in addition to the credit, Russian aid to the Castro regime includes a donation of two million dollars for the acquisition of parts necessary for the recovery of the Cuban electrical energy system.
The electricity supply on the island has been seriously affected due to the lack of fuel and the deterioration of the facilities of its old generating plants.
In the last week of 2024, the Chinese Government sent the first shipment of donations to the Island with parts and accessories for the generating sets of the failed Cuban electrical system.
A report from the Castro press indicates that the lot was the result of agreements reached between both parties, including the financing of photovoltaic parks by the Asian country in Cuba.
However, the energy situation in Cuba has shown one of its worst faces in 2024, a year in which the dictatorship also did not have the usual support of its allies in the region.
Last year, Venezuela’s oil exports increased by 10.5%. However, the Castro regime in Cuba did not benefit from said increase, according to reports the news agency Reuters.
Figures shared by the media, corresponding to the state-owned Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), indicate that Caracas sent 32,000 barrels per day (bpd) of crude oil to Havana, a figure much lower than the 56,000 in 2023.
Meanwhile, in Venezuela, the increase in crude oil exports was accompanied by an increase in production, which grew by 17%, averaging 914,000 bpd in the first 11 months of 2024, according to the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). ).