Cuba obtained 6,033 pregnancies in infertile couples during 2021 thanks to a universal and free access service for people with reproductive difficulties, an authorized source disclosed today.
According to the statement from the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP), last year 4,317 new Cubans were born, children of couples cared for in this service network, the only one of its kind in the world.
During the past year, 99.3 percent of infertile couples identified in a system that has several levels of care and has consultations in the 168 municipalities of the nation were seen for the first time, the information abounded.
Said network, added the report, includes 15 low-tech provincial assisted reproduction services to which 30 percent of patients usually refer to undergo more complex procedures, and four high-tech Territorial Assisted Reproduction Centers.
In these last entities, 136 pregnancies were achieved, with an effectiveness of 40 pregnant women out of every 100 to whom embryos were transferred, specified the MINSAP.
Although the pregnancies achieved represented a decrease of 994 compared to the previous year, the communication highlighted that the figure achieved is a reflection of the priority offered by the public health system and the delivery of the health personnel of the Maternal and Child Care Program in the midst of a difficult context.
The results achieved, the statement stressed, were obtained during the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, together with the economic limitations derived from the tightening of the blockade imposed by the United States government.