The General Directorate for the Protection and Conservation of Water Resources communicated to all the rice producers of the Tebicuary River basin that extract the waters of the Tebicuary River for the irrigation of rice crops that the Upper Tebicuary River Basin entered into a situation critical reason why the extraction of water from the aforementioned water course is suspended, until the flows of the upper basin once again reach the optimal levels of Resolution 511/16, which regulates the extraction of water by pumping for irrigation of rice cultivation in the Tebicuary River Basin.
This suspension has a scope of compliance throughout the Upper Basin, that is, the main channel, its tributaries and tributaries as primary sources of water, regulating this at the capacity point of the Upper Basin in Yuty.
This regulation is intended to protect the maintenance of ecological flows for ecosystem support, ensure the supply of water for the purposes of domestic sanitation and provision of drinking water, in addition to other uses. In this sense, it is recommended that during this period structural adjustments to the reservoirs, good agricultural practices such as soil improvement work and implementation of sustainable use techniques be carried out.
On the other hand, those who extract or capture water from a tributary of the Tebicuary River are reminded that in no way and not even with a DIA issued by MADES, may they extract more water than what is imposed by Resolution 511/16, for which the cessation of collection is extensive to all streams in the basin regardless of the technology used. In case of verification in a control the capture of water for rice irrigation in a period of cessation will be subject to administrative summary.
The Ministry of the Environment will be carrying out controls in the aforementioned area, to corroborate compliance with the pumping cessation.
Finally, all rice producers are reminded that real-time flow monitoring is available at the following link:
The entrance Critical situation: Mades communicates to rice farmers the suspension of water extraction from Tebicuary was first published in diary TODAY.