To face the migratory and security crisis in the north of the country, this Tuesday President Sebastián Piñera led a telematic coordination meeting with different unions in the Tarapacá region.
As detailed from the Presidency, at the appointment led by the President who interrupted his vacation, the Government presented a plan to reinforce police work in different areas of Iquique and the Tarapacá region.
Among the main points of the agreement reached this day, the presence of a greater number of Carabineros in the area stands out; patrols and interventions in neighborhoods with the greatest conflict; start of training to implement as soon as possible the redirection of migrants as established by the new Migration Law; and an increase in resources for the region’s Public Ministry.
Present at the event, along with President Sebastián Piñera, were the Minister of the Interior, Rodrigo Delgado; the Undersecretary for Crime Prevention, María José Goméz; the Presidential Delegate Miguel Ángel Quezada and Generals Esteban Díaz and Enrique Monraz from Carabineros de Chile; while Marcelo Acuña, Director of the Transport Association, attended on behalf of the groups; Harold González, President of the Tarapacá Regional Transportation Federation; Jorge Michel Daved, Vice President Regional Transport Federation Tarapacá; Nolberto Muñoz, President of the “FERETAC” Taxi Federation; Marco Torres, President of the Zofri Loaders Union; Issa Sayed Jaafar, President of the Zofri Union Association and Joaquín Bezares Fuentealba, President of the Taxi Drivers Association.