“If that is sustained, it is impossible for a constitutional reform to take place. They (Morena and allies) will be able to pass legal reforms, but remember very well: if they pass an unconstitutional legal reform, it will not happen, because it will run into the Supreme Court of Justice, “he said.
The former Secretary of the Interior said he had no doubt that this matter will take the country’s Supreme Constitutional Court, because “Morena does not know about constitutional law, she does not care about the Constitution, she tramples on the Constitution as the president does every day.”
The defense of the INE is to strengthen its autonomy, independence and integration, because a neutral, impartial electoral referee is sought, who can continue advancing democracy in the country, he emphasized.
“We do not want an electoral arbiter of President López Obrador. We do not want the president to stay with the referee, with the field, with the players and with the stadium, that is not democracy”, he said.