Last Sunday, February 13, the CPI pollster conducted a survey in which they consulted the population about the current management carried out by Jorge Muñoz as mayor of Lima, in addition to the intention to vote for the mayor of Lima. The study of public opinion, which was carried out between February 3 and 11 of this year, had a total of 3,500 interviews at urban and rural levels.
The surprising thing about the survey was the disapproval that Muñoz Wells has within Lima, since a total of 59.1% disapprove of his management. However, 23.2% of respondents do approve of his work as mayor, while the rest (17.7%) do not know and have no opinion.
Respectively, the results showed that the majority of people who disapproved of Muñoz were men with 63.0% and 55.4% women.
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On the other hand, the survey asked the population who they would prefer at this time to assume the position of mayor, to which people had a greater preference for Daniel Urresti, Rafael López Aliaga and George Forsyth, respectively.
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On this occasion, the pollster carried out a total of 1,200 interviews, both in Lima and Callao as in the interior of the country to have a global result.
The main question in question was the following: “In particular, do you approve or disapprove of the management that the president has been carrying out? peter castle in these first six months of his administration?”
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Before this consultation, 23.4% showed their approval of the president’s work; however, 66.9% disapproved of the management and 9.7% preferred not to comment on the matter.