A team of heroes, whose mission is to prevent the end of the planet’s mineral resources, in a story that addresses the social inclusion of people with disabilities. This is the premise of an animated series called “Unstoppable Paramigos”, which will have 26 episodes and is scheduled to premiere next year on different platforms. The launch will be this Wednesday (31), in a panel of the Brazilian Paralympic Committee (CPB) at Licensing Con, trade fair for licensing brands, in Vila Leopoldina, west of São Paulo.
The heroes are the children Geeky (who is in a wheelchair) and Turi, in addition to the animals Zoom (blind bat), Guará (wolf amputated with one leg), Nina (a jaguar that uses a prosthesis instead of a paw) and Narciso (capybara). According to XGuides, the agency responsible for creating the content in partnership with CPB, the idea is to bring an inclusive vision of society to children, showing that, regardless of the size of the challenge and the conditions, balance, resilience and teamwork make achievements possible.
In the same panel, the CPB will launch the brand “Paralímpico Brasil”, also developed together with XGuides, which will be the official identification badge of the country’s delegations in international events, such as the Parapan American Games and the Paralympics. The intention, according to the Committee, is to expand the reach of the movement to the public in future licensed products.
“Since the Beijing Paralympic Games [China], in 2008, Brazil has remained in the top-10 worldwide. The evolution is remarkable, but we have the ambition to improve in the next editions. For this, we created this innovative project in the market and we are looking for new investments both for the base and for the high yield. Within this idea, it is essential that we commercialize licensed products and expand the CPB brands”, declared Mizael Conrado, president of the Committee, in a press release.