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Covid: registration opened to vaccinate children from 6 months to 3 years

Covid: registration opened to vaccinate children from 6 months to 3 years

The Buenos Aires Government enabled this Tuesday the registration for the vaccination against the coronavirus of girls and boys between 6 months and up to 3 years, and announced that from the first half of August the population of 3 and 4 years will be able to receive the booster dose without need to request prior shift.

The announcement was made by Governor Axel Kicillof at a press conference that he led at the Government House, in La Plata, together with the Minister of Health, Nicolás Kreplak.

“2,700,000 pediatric vaccines have just been received for girls and boys from 6 months to 3 years old and from this Tuesday registration is open so that those little ones receive their turn to be able to be immunized with the vaccine against Covid-19”, explained the Buenos Aires president.

In addition, Kicillof maintained that “from the first half of August, boys and girls 3 and 4 years old can be given the booster (after the fourth month of the previous dose) freely and federally”

From the Government they remembered that The National Executive Branch has already begun to receive doses of the Modern pediatric vaccine intended to begin immunization of the early childhood population and for the booster to children aged 3 and 4 years who received the Sinopharm vaccines.

Photo: Eva Cabrera.

“As soon as the Ministry of Health of the Nation decides, with prior authorization from the Anmat, vaccination will begin with their respective assigned shifts,” the spokespersons detailed and pointed out that the doses will be applied in the usual vaccinations of the municipalities, since they have the trained and experienced personnel for the care of minors and to take advantage of and complete schedules schedule vaccinations.

They also highlighted that “For all people over 3 years of age, vaccination is free, without prior appointment, free and federal“.

Kicillof stated that vaccination coverage in Buenos Aires “is one of the highest on the planet” and explained that there are 16 million citizens who have the first dose (95% of the total), 15 million who have the second dose (86% ), and 7 million have already received the booster.

“I cannot fail to mention the 70th anniversary of Eva Duarte’s pass to immortality. Yesterday we announced the zero-rate credit line for construction and today the extension of vaccination. There is no better tribute to Eva than continuing to work for well-being of the people,” he said.

Axel Kicillof press conference Photo Eva Cabrera
Axel Kicillof press conference. / Photo: Eva Cabrera.

Strengthen the vaccination schedule

Minister Kreplak explained that “girls and boys from 6 months to 3 years old will be able to be vaccinated in a short time, when its use is approved in Argentina.”

On the other hand, he argued thatthere is a need to strengthen the national vaccination schedule“since” as a result of the pandemic and that in the previous administration there was a drop in vaccination rates, coverage fell.

He stressed that “the studies carried out between the Ministries of Science and Health at the national and Buenos Aires levels, and based on the participation in international publications, the effectiveness of the vaccination system is demonstrated.”

“After a year of vaccination we see a reduction in infections and deaths from covid-19 and the efficacy of vaccination in children and adolescents has also been demonstrated,” he added and called for completing the calendars for girls and boys.

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