Government established that, as of November 15, people aged 45 and over will only be able to board the interprovincial transport buses if they have the two doses of vaccine against him coronavirus (COVID-19).
LOOK HERE: What activities will be allowed only for people who have two doses?
According to the norm, the measure applies to all zones located in the four alert levels (moderate, high, very high and extreme); In addition, it serves to promote vaccination against the coronavirus (COVID-19), as indicated by the Minister of Health, Hernando Cevallos.
The official remarked that many people have to travel long hours inside a bus and that the objective is that, when they are eventually infected, they do not develop complications of the disease.
LOOK HERE: Minister of Health: We have almost three weeks of increase in COVID-19 cases
In this context, the issue that arises is how a citizen can prove that he has the doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. One way is through the vaccination card, the same that is delivered when the person receives the first dose and that has the stamp, the establishment and the dates of the two inoculations, as well as the name of the vaccine applied.
In case the citizen does not have the vaccination meat, either due to loss theft, he can download said document in lto Hisminsa page, in charge of Ministry of Health, for which you must fill in a series of data.
In the Hisminsa page You must first select the type of identity document (DNI, immigration card, passport, foreign identity document or temporary residence permit). Then, you will have to enter the number of the chosen document.
Then it will be necessary enter the date of birth (day, month and year) and the date of issuance of the identity document. This last piece of information is only for those who have a DNI.
It will immediately appear in the Hisminsa page the date and place where the person was immunized, as well as the type of vaccine received, the manufacturer of the vaccine, and the lot number.
Coronavirus Peru: More than 20 MILLION Peruvians were vaccinated against COVID-19
![COVID-19 vaccination card: How to obtain the Minsa document that certifies immunization? COVID-19 vaccination card: How to obtain the Minsa document that certifies immunization?](