This Saturday March 19 Santa Cruz registers 71 new cases of Covid-19. The director of Epidemiology of the Headquarters, Carlos Hurtado, indicated that the epidemiological week ends with 879 cases, that is, 421 cases less than the previous week.
“That shows us a continued decline, again, after a week where we got out of control. The recommendations continue to be to comply with biosecurity measures, filters in places of mass concentration, in schools and with attendance at vaccination points, since We continue to see with great concern the slowdown in vaccination against Covid”Hurtado said.
The authority stressed that there are no deaths from the disease and that the number of recovered is much higher than the positive cases. on this journey 233 people who overcame evil were registered.
The total number of positive cases so far this year is 101,450, while those recovered are 126,731.
“Let’s continue to take extreme measures to soon have herd immunity along with vaccination and being able to return to the normality that we all want,” added Hurtado.