Brazil recorded 7,198 positive cases and 57 deaths from covid-19 in 24 hours, according to the bulletin released by the Ministry of Health this Sunday (7). Since the beginning of the pandemic, 34,018,371 cases and 679,996 deaths from the disease have been recorded.
In the bulletin, data on cases and deaths from Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Distrito Federal, Mato Grosso, Maranhão, Tocantins and Roraima have not been updated. Neither does the number of deaths in Mato Grosso do Sul.
Among those who contracted the disease, 96.2% recovered, which corresponds to 32,731,706 people. There are still 606,669 cases under follow-up.
São Paulo is the state with the highest number of cases and deaths, with 5.95 million and 173,338, respectively. In terms of cases, the Southeast state is followed by Minas Gerais (3.83 million) and Paraná (2.70 million).
The smallest number of cases were registered in Acre (145,488), Roraima (173,401) and Amapá (177,285). The three states also have the lowest numbers of deaths from the disease: Acre (2,021), Amapá (2,153) and Roraima (2,158).
According to data released by the Ministry of Health, 496.51 million doses of vaccine against covid-19 were applied in Brazil, of which 178.58 million were the first dose, 159.63 million were the second dose and 4.98 million were a single dose. .
The first booster shot was given to 103.56 million people, the second booster shot to 17.99 million and the additional shot to 4.75 million.