Brazil had 24,239 new cases and 72 deaths from covid-19 in 24 hours, according to the epidemiological bulletin registered this Saturday (28) by the Ministry of Health. Since the beginning of the pandemic, 30,945,384 cases and 335,903 deaths have been recorded.
According to the bulletin, there are 335,903 cases under follow-up and 29,943,090 people have recovered from the disease, representing 96.8% of those infected.
The data do not include the figures for the Federal District, Maranhão, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso, Rio de Janeiro, Roraima and Tocantis, in addition to the number of deaths in Mato Grosso do Sul. This information was not forwarded to the ministry by the respective state health departments before the bulletin was released.
São Paulo is the state with the highest number of cases and deaths, with 5.5 million and 169 thousand, respectively. In terms of the number of cases, the Southeast state is followed by Minas Gerais (3.4 million) and Paraná (2.5 million). The Federation units with the lowest number of cases are Acre (124,975), Roraima (155,745) and Amapá (160,421).
In the number of deaths, São Paulo is followed by Rio de Janeiro (74 thousand) and Minas Gerais (61.5 thousand). The states with the lowest number of deaths are Acre (2,002), Amapá (2,134) and Roraima (2,152).