From the projects of Judge Janine Otálora Malassis, the studies of specialty, mastery and doctorate were considered to be valid to analyze if the average of 9 points was met in the related subjects for the position to which they are applied.
In addition, in an issue, the qualification requirement of 8 was fulfilled, having obtained the degree of Law by accreditation of an exam before an evaluation authority that only provides as possible “satisfactory” or “non -satisfactory” possible results, to from a reading of the best benefit of the applicant.
Likewise, it was determined that it was sufficient to incorporate the requirements established by the General Constitution into the letter under protest, as well as the generic manifestation of complying with them.
Consequently, the Senate was linked to take into consideration of eligible aspirations in the insaculation purification stage, when meeting the requirements.
Last week the Electoral Court had asked to include the list of the Judicial Evaluation Committee to 109 people who meet the requirements to be candidates for judges.
In total there would be 1,226 applicants. These candidates will go through an insaculation process and those who are winners, will be part of the judge candidates. This after the SCJN guarantees the designation.