The households that cost between 1,750,000 and 1,800,000 pesos, in 2018, currently reflect increases close to 100% due to the impact of the raw materials used by the sector.
“Those same households that we are placing in 3,500,000 and 3,700,000 pesos are the same households that we placed in 2018 to 1,800,000 or 1,750,000 pesos”, explained the president of the Dominican Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises of the Construction (copymecon), Elisha Christopher.
He said that, at the beginning of 2021, the small promoters “assuming some costs”, were placing and delivering them at 2,250,000 and 2,249,000 pesos, “but right now the sales that are going to come out of those households they are 3,500,000 and 3,700,000 pesos, with an extremely large increase”.
He indicated that in copymecon they understand that they must continue to seek support and positioning mechanisms for the sector.
“We said that it is important to seek the form of soft financing for small businesses in the construction. It is very important, because without it we are going to have a much more backward sector”, he said.
Recently, the president of the Dominican Association of Housing Builders and Promoters (Acoprovi), Jorge Montalvo, expressed, in a meeting with the Central Bank, that as of today there are over 35,000 households throughout the country, which represents 82% of the total of what is being built.
“The last increase in the steel and cement issue represents about six percent in the housing cost index and the minimum wage rate represents another six percent more. In other words, the index is going to shoot up about 12 percent,” Montalvo said yesterday to Free Journal.